Eulett Center
The Eulett Center at the Edge of Appalachia Preserve houses both Cincinnati Museum Center and The Nature Conservancy’s staff, lab and overnight space for visiting researchers.
Spring 2024 Eulett Center After Hours Series
Join The Edge of Appalachia Preserve for free public talks about interesting things in Adams County. Don’t go right home after work. Grab a friend and come to the Museum’s Eulett Center and enjoy an hour of something new and interesting.
For more information contact Preserve Director, Chris Bedel at (937) 544-2880 ext. 11 or cbedel@yibangyi.net. Or just show up the day of the event at Eulett Center located at 4274 Waggoner Riffle Road, West Union, Ohio 45693. No registration or calling in is necessary.
Stories From a Country Veterinarian
Robert T. Sharp, DVM, veterinarian & author
Thursday, April 11 from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
Rob Sharp has been a veterinarian in Hillsboro, Ohio for the past 44 years. A client suggested that he write a book about the many stories and adventures of a rural vet. In 2005, No Dogs in Heaven? was published to wide acclaim. His second book, The Bull in the Darkness and the One-Eyed Dog: Scenes from the Life of a Country Veterinarian (2023) is another collection of remarkable stories about a country vet’s encounters with animal patients of all kinds, and their equally interesting owners. Join Dr. Sharp as he shares his entertaining stories and enjoy a look into the often-unseen world of a person dedicated to caring for animals, both wild and domesticated.
The Perfect Rock: The History of the Vastine Hollow Quarry
Corbett Phipps, local history enthusiast
Thursday, April 25 from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
It’s been said that the Buena Vista Freestone quarried from the Shawnee Forest region starting in 1814 was the perfect rock, at the perfect location, at the perfect time. Famous for its durability and the ease with which it could be extracted, transported, and shaped; its use was celebrated far beyond the rural localities from where it was quarried. From downtown Cincinnati’s John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge and St. Peter in Chains Cathedral to New York City and beyond the versatile stone cut from the Vastine Hollow quarries was a celebrated building material of its time. Join Corbett to learn more about the fascinating local history of the perfect rock.
Rental information
Eulett Center is available to rent for conferences, business meetings and community events. For more information and rental reservations, contact the Preserve Director, Chris Bedel, at cbedel@yibangyi.net or (937) 544-2880 ext. 11.
Multipurpose Room
(90 person maximum)
- Monday – Friday: $184 per day or $23 per hour. Three hour minimum. Includes the use of tables and chairs.
- Saturday & Sunday: $224 per day or $28 per hour. Three hour minimum. Includes the use of tables, chairs and audio visual equipment.
(36 person maximum)
- Monday – Friday: $104 per day or $13 per hour. Three hour minimum.
- Saturday & Sunday: $144 per day or $18 per hour. Three hour minimum. Includes the use of tables, chairs and audiovisual equipment.
Researcher overnight facilities
- $25 per person per night. Includes the use of overnight rooms (two beds per room), kitchen facilities and private bath facilities. No food or other services provided.